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Elmira Fireview Wood Cookstove Elmira Fireview 1842-G 48" Wood Cookstove Gas Range

The Elmira Fireview wood burning and gas combo cookstove is a unique product now available in the US. Elmira's ingenious engineering does not lack style, it comes loaded with numerous, high-end functionality and performance features. Additionally, you are able to customize your Fireview with a number of decorative and functional options in order to suit your personal needs and styling preferences. The secondary air supply makes the Fireview highly efficient, while still producing 60,000 BTU's. The firebox accepts an 18" log, allowing for overnight burns.

If you are are an experience wood baker, or relatively new to the wood cookstove community, you will love the spacious 3.0 cu. ft. oven. Preparing a large turkey is no trouble at all when Thanksgiving rolls around.

Price: $8,595.00